Meet The Summer Interns

By: Abby Justinger - Operations Manager

We put out a call for the best and brightest, and boy oh boy did we hear from all of you! This week we welcomed on board three of the smartest, coolest, and most talented young people around - Hello Interns!

With our newly revamped program, we’re not only going to teach them what we know (which is obviously a lot of crazy, cool things), but we also want to tap into their fresh, creative brains and have them show us a thing or two!

On their first days, and in attempts to learn their names (kidding ☺) we asked them three questions just to get to know them a little better. 

Remember, marketing is a serious business...
Without further ado - meet, Paige, Julia and Parker! 

Hi, Paige, you ready for this?

Q: If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life, who would you choose/why?
A: Carrie Underwood - One, she has a voice of an angel, two the girl puts out everything from sad tear jerkers to bangers about revenges. She's got a song for every mood.

Q: Whats the worst trend you participated in?
A: Gauchos, why were these even a thing???

Q: If you have a drink with someone dead or alive who would it be an why?
A: Johnny Cash, why not?

You’re up Julia!

Q: If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life, who would you choose/why?
A:  Stevie Wonder. Music makes you want to dance and always makes you feel better. Gets me motivated and in a good mood.

Q: If you could have anyone play you in the movie of your life, who would it be?
A: Kristin Wig, at least that’s who everyone tells me should play me in a movie.

Q: What’s the worst piece of candy you can receive on Halloween?
A: Dots

Let’s see what Parker is about!

Q: If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life, who would you choose/why?
A: Post Malone because he is someone my age and is living as I do, so it's easy to relate to him.

Q: Beach or Pool? Why?
A: Pool because I hate when I get sand in my.. ya know

Q: You’re invited to a costume party and you have 30 min to decide on a costume. Go!
A: Going to have to go with a toga, since all I need is a bedsheet and sandals. Not to mention if I’m finding out about this party 30 mins before I’m probably already in bed

Still reading? Want to hear more about the program?
There is a program- we promise!

This three-step program get them ready for anything the marketing world might throw at them (and yes that includes a coast-to-coast tiny home tour, being a concert production roadie or even cooking up tacos out of a custom Mexico city inspired taco truck). 

Step One: This is where they will learn from us. That means not just watching us in action and peaking behind our OutCold curtain. How do we do things? Where do these abstract ideas come from? How can we make these dreams reality? But, getting involved on all the above. 

Step Two: This where we encourage active learning. What’s happening outside of OutCold that’s causing a buzz, both in the marketing world and beyond? What’s something we should be implementing?  What inspires them? What kind of work do they want to do someday? 

Step Three: Finally, this is where they will present both of these findings to the OutCold Team (its show and tell time baby!). They will tell us what they learned from us and preach the good word of their thrilling findings. This isn’t your typical, boring, carve your eyes out PowerPoint. No, this is their creation. They are going to rock it how they want to. If they want to sing us a song about their learnings? Rad. They want to make a kick ass film? Cool. We want them to DO IT. This project will be authentically them. We want them to tell us their story! 

At the end of the day, we are not just the story tellers at OutCold…we are the story makers. And, we’re looking to Paige, Julia and Parker to add to our story and theirs. It’s going to be a wild summer, and we’re happy to have them all here.